This method is used to disrupt participants’ default experience of time, supporting them to look at a case study or a specific issue from multiple perspectives.
Too often, our modern perception of time is limited to a very short horizon, and our choices and actions are motivated by near-term goals. By taking a different and even surrealistic time frame as reference, we are forced to think in totally new ways. In this method, participants focus on the lifespans of various non-human beings or entities, imaginatively relating to their different experiences of time. Elements or ‘characters’ that represent different time horizons can be linked to a specific case or the issue at hand. The empathetic experience of this exercise can be emphasized by combining it with Inviting Non-Human Stakeholders.
Paper and pens; (optional, but recommended) powerpoint or hand-made timeline with different non-human elements and their respective time frames.
How perceptions of time affect our approach to sustainability: Fofiu (2015). Perceptions of Time in the Sustainability Movement: The Value of Slow for Sustainable Futures.
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